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    焊接工艺被广泛应用于制造工程结构。在二十世纪后半期,大型结构大多采用熔焊工艺,即通过熔化母材和填充金属来实现焊接。1991年, TWI的Wayne Thomas发明了搅拌摩擦焊FSW), 实现了完全固相焊接(无熔化)。随着FSW的日益广泛应用,需要制定一项国际标准,确保焊接工艺能够得到最有效执行,焊接操作的各个方面能够得到适当控制。本国际标准聚焦千铝材的FSW, 这是因为当前FSW的绝大多数商业应用都与铝材有关, 例如轨道车辆、 消费品、 食品加工设备、航空航天器以及船舶等。前言中列出了本标准的各个部分。




—第4部分:焊接工艺规程及评定,规定铝材FSW工艺规程及评定。焊接工艺规程(WPS)是规划焊接操作的基础和进行焊接质量控制的依据。在质阰体系标准中,焊接属千特殊I艺。而质歌体系标准通常要求特殊工艺 必须按照书面工艺规程进行操作。任何冶金误差都会产生特定的问题。但按照目前的技术水平,尚无法对焊件的机械性能进行无损试验,所以就有必要确定 套焊接工艺评定规则, WPS只有在完成评定后才能投入使用。ISO 25239-4就规定了上述规则。

—第5部分:质检要求,规定如何确定制造商是否具备采用FSW工艺生产符合特定质量标准的铝材产品的能力。确定了具体的质量要求, 但并未将质量要求分配到具体的产品类别。总之,焊接结构在生产和使用过程中都不得产生严重问题。为实现这 目的,必须从设计阶段就针对 选材、制造和质检进行有效控制。例如,糟糕的设计可能会导致在生产车间、安装现场或应用时发生严重的问题,造成巨大损失。选材不当可能会产生焊接问题如裂缝等。 为避免出现焊接缺陷, 必须对焊接工艺进行正确设计和评定。 为有效进行生产质單控制,管理者必须掌握潜在问题的起源,进而采取适当的质量控制和检验措施。此外,还要进行适当的监督,确保产品达到规定的质量标准。

Welding processes are widely used in the fabrication of engineered structures. During the second half of the twentieth century, fusion welding processes, wherein fusion is obtained by the melting of parent material and usually a filler metal, dominated the welding of large structures. Then, in 1991, Wayne Thomas at TWI invented friction stir welding (FSW), which is carried out entirely in the solid phase (no melting).
The increasing use of FSW has created the need for this International Standard in order to ensure that welding is carried out in the most effective way and that appropriate control is exercised over all aspects of the operation. This International Standard focuses on the FSW of aluminium because, at the time of publication, the majority of commercial applications for FSW involved aluminium. Examples include railway carriages, consumer products, food processing equipment, aerospace structures, and marine vessels.
The parts of this International Standard are listed in the foreword.
Part 1 defines terms specific to FSW.
Part 2 specifies design requirements for FSW joints in aluminium.
Part 3 specifies requirements for the qualification of an operator for the FSW of aluminium.
Part 4 specifies requirements for the specification and qualification of welding procedures for the FSW of aluminium. A welding procedure specification (WPS) is needed to provide a basis for planning welding operations and for quality control during welding. Welding is considered a special process in the terminology of standards for quality systems. Standards for quality systems usually require that special processes be carried out in accordance with written procedure specifications. Metallurgical deviations constitute a special problem. Because non-destructive testing of the mechanical properties is impossible at the present level of technology, this has resulted in the establishment of a set of rules for qualification of the welding procedure prior to the release of the WPS to actual production. ISO 25239-4 defines these rules.
Part 5 specifies a method for determining the capability of a manufacturer to use the FSW process for the production of aluminium products of the specified quality. It defines specific quality requirements, but does not assign those requirements to any specific product group. To be effective, welded structures should be free from serious problems in production and in service. To achieve that goal, it is necessary to provide controls from the design phase through material selection, fabrication, and inspection. For example, poor design can create serious and costly difficulties in the workshop, on site or in service. Incorrect material selection can result in welding problems, such as cracking. Welding procedures have to be correctly formulated and qualified to avoid imperfections. To ensure the fabrication of a quality product, management should understand the sources of potential trouble and introduce appropriate quality and inspection procedures. Supervision should be implemented to ensure that the specified quality is achieved.

Welding processes are widely used in the fabrication of engineered structures. During the second half of the twentieth century, fusion welding processes, wherein fusion is obtained by the melting of parent material and usually a filler metal, dominated the welding of large structures. Then, in 1991, Wayne Thomas at TWI invented friction stir welding (FSW), which is carried out entirely in the solid phase (no melting).

The increasing use of FSW has created the need for this International Standard in order to ensure that welding is carried out in the most effective way and that appropriate control is exercised over all aspects of the operation. This International Standard focuses on the FSW of aluminium because, at the time of publication, the majority of commercial applications for FSW involved aluminium. Examples include railway carriages, consumer products, food processing equipment, aerospace structures, and marine vessels.
The parts of this International Standard are listed in the foreword.
Part 1 defines terms specific to FSW.
Part 2 specifies design requirements for FSW joints in aluminium.
Part 3 specifies requirements for the qualification of an operator for the FSW of aluminium.
Part 4 specifies requirements for the specification and qualification of welding procedures for the FSW of aluminium. A welding procedure specification (WPS) is needed to provide a basis for planning welding operations and for quality control during welding. Welding is considered a special process in the terminology of standards for quality systems. Standards for quality systems usually require that special processes be carried out in accordance with written procedure specifications. Metallurgical deviations constitute a special problem. Because non-destructive testing of the mechanical properties is impossible at the present level of technology, this has resulted in the establishment of a set of rules for qualification of the welding procedure prior to the release of the WPS to actual production. ISO 25239-4 defines these rules.
Part 5 specifies a method for determining the capability of a manufacturer to use the FSW process for the production of aluminium products of the specified quality. It defines specific quality requirements, but does not assign those requirements to any specific product group. To be effective, welded structures should be free from serious problems in production and in service. To achieve that goal, it is necessary to provide controls from the design phase through material selection, fabrication, and inspection. For example, poor design can create serious and costly difficulties in the workshop, on site or in service. Incorrect material selection can result in welding problems, such as cracking. Welding procedures have to be correctly formulated and qualified to avoid imperfections. To ensure the fabrication of a quality product, management should understand the sources of potential trouble and introduce appropriate quality and inspection procedures. Supervision should be implemented to ensure that the specified quality is achieved.