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 搅拌摩擦焊网讯  近日,机械工程领域国际顶级期刊International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture(简写IJMTM)发表了山东大学材料科学与工程学院武传松教授课题组的研究成果“Constitutive equation including acoustic stress work and plastic strain for modeling ultrasonic vibration assisted friction stir welding process”。材料学院博士研究生赵文祯为该文第一作者,武传松教授为通讯作者,山东大学为唯一完成单位。


    IJMTM被公认为是机械工程领域的TOP期刊,在全球129种机械工程SCI收录期刊中排名第三(TOP 3),五年影响因子6.565。 本项研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金和山东省重点研发计划项目的资助。 论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2019.103434 

(原标题:武传松教授团队在机械工程领域国际顶级期刊IJMTM发表铝合金UaFSW焊接新工艺机理的最新成果 作者:宿浩)

Abstract:To reveal the underlying mechanism of the synchronous interaction between the ultrasonic vibration exerted onto the welding tool along welding direction and the thermo-mechanical behavior induced by the tool’ rotation and traverse, two available constitutive equations are combined together by including various influencing factors such as strain, strain rate and temperature. A modified constitutive equation considering the acoustic stress work and a method determining the flow stress are proposed and experimentally calibrated. Both are employed in modeling ultrasonic vibration assisted friction stir welding process (UaFSW) to characterize the effect of acoustic softening on the plastic deformation of aluminum alloy in UaFSW process. Numerical simulation of flow stress, strain/strain rate and plastic material flow as well as ultrasonic field is carried out to explain the reason why ultrasonic vibration exerted onto the tool in this way could reduce the flow stress and promote the plastic material flow in UaFSW. The model is validated by comparing the predicted and experimentally measured profile of thermo-mechanically affected zone.

Keywords :Friction stir weldingConstitutive equationUltrasonic vibrationAcoustic stress workAcoustic softening effectNumerical simulation